A pic of Panthera uncia — via N7_Nate

About the snow leopard’s habitat:
It would be one of the 10 largest countries in the world. It also would be the 6th least dense country in terms of human population. It is the birthplace of many of the world’s greatest rivers – the Yangtse, Yellow, Ganges, Indus, Amu Darya, and others – that provide life-sustaining water to hundreds of millions of people. All of the mountains on earth that soar above 7,000 meters (23,000 feet) – well over 100 of them – are found here.
This huge, remote, and incredible region is the home to the snow leopard.
About the threats that snow leopards face: 
Poaching (mostly for skins) and retaliatory killing (by shepherds after predation of livestock by snow leopards) were long suspected as the leading threat to these big cats, and a just-published study from TRAFFIC supports the belief that this may be leading to a decline in the snow leopard population.
The loss of wild prey, the great mountain goats and sheep that Schaller dubbed “mountain monarchs,” from overhunting and livestock impacts (competition, overgrazing, disturbance, and even disease) is also significant. Development in these high mountains is a slow and difficult task, but new roads are increasing access and the ability for mines and other extractive industries to reach the snow leopard’s home.

24 thoughts on “A pic of Panthera uncia — via N7_Nate

  1. According to the IUCN Red List, the snow leopard is currently decreasing in populaion due to poaching and illegal trade, which are likely to increase because of the growing demand from China. Snow leopards are restricted to high mountains mostly in Central Asia as in other alpine and sub-alpine ecological zones. This is also a threat to their population because when the high-altitude grasslands are overstocked with livestock, the wild prey base declines and produces an increase in killing snow leopards when they turn into livestock. Some countires have offered the Snow leopard legal protection and made hunting and poaching of the species ilegal. Finally, the IUCN Red List also privedes several conservation measures for this species.


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  2. The snow leopard lives in the highest mountain ranges of Asia and their species are in great danger. It is sad to see that a beautiful animal like this one is decreasing in population just because they’re being poached only to sell their skin. As a result, we’re seeing a huge decline in population. There are many trying to preserve this species like for example the IUNC and CITES, both aiming for the protection of animals in danger. Consequently, the hunting and poaching of this animal are now illegal because of the low population. In addition, now that we’re in the midst of the 6th mass extinction, it’s important to preserve not only this animal but all the animals possible.


  3. It’s incredibly sad to see that a unique species of Asia’s mountainous ecosystem has had a lot of trouble keeping its population levels up because of the new dangers brought by humans. Although the article mentions how serious the population problem is, it concentrates on the help being given to the species by various organisations trying to preserve another important member of planet Earth. It mentions what new measures are being taken to preserve the species, some traditional like building predator-proof corrals and investing in rangers to guard for illegal activities and some unorthodox methods like using “sniffer dogs” and a telephone app. I believe that the most effective of all would be the plans established by UNDP and GEF which help not only the endangered species but the neighbouring humans surrounding the ecosystem as well. By keeping both sides happy and safe, vengeful poaching will decrease because the human population will feel no negative feelings toward such majestic cats.

    In this video, we can see several snow leopards in action out in the wild (as well as other species). Here, you can see in full detail their big broad paws and tail that keep them balanced and facilitate their way along the rocky terrain, which are products of hundreds of years of natural selection. Also, thanks to their amazing camouflage, the leopards are almost indistinguishable among the rocks and snow which add on to their potential as amazing predators.

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  4. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the snow leopard has an estimated population of 4,080-6,590 in the world. Their population is decreasing as time passes and the main reason is because of humans. We are hunting them to sell their fur, bones and other body parts illegally and because of what is called retaliatory killing. Another reason is their habitat. They habitat one of the most harshest conditions on Earth, the steep and rocky mountains of Central Asia. Climate change affect them greatly and humans settlement limit their habitat space. The WWF works with local communities to monitor snow leopards and helps local people and wildlife flourish together. Every organism has the same opportunity to live and we should be responsible with our actions.


  5. While the threats the snow leopards are facing are heartbreaking there is hope! It has been placed on the endangered species list and have many conservationists working towards their survival. For example some groups are working with local farmers to help them co-exist more efficiently without conflict. They are educated on how to make their barns secure from snow leopards and are even reimbursed when they lose an animal due to the leopards in exchange for not killing them. The Snow Leopard Conservancy Organization website goes into detail about their critical situation and what can be done with the matter.


  6. The snow leopard lives in the highest peaks of Central Asia and has beautiful, thick gray hairs, but it is an endangered species due to many factors, most are mainly our fault. Hunting down these poor animals in order to sell their skin is cruel and is considered illegal in many places where snow leopards inhabit, also hunting its main prey ,the blue sheep of Tibet, makes it harder for them to survive. A fun fact about the snow leopard is that they use their long tails for balance and as blankets to cover sensitive body parts against the severe mountain chill. Scientists have realized that the snow leopard is decreasing dramatically in population but it is hard to gather them in order to reproduce because of the extreme weather and terrain conditions they live in.


  7. It really is sad to think that there are people out there who go out of their way to kill these animals to later use them as a rug or decoration, creating an impact in the ecosystem. Even though they live in large and remote places, people still find a way to get to them. Poaching and similar hunting methods create a huge impact in many countries and places around the world. Another animal that happens to have a similar risk are elephants. Although not mainly killed for skin, they are mostly looked for because of their ivory. As the link posted here says, https://thehypertextuallounge.com/2016/10/23/a-pic-of-panthera-uncia-via-n7_nate/ , a single pound of ivory can be sold in the market for around $1,500 and the average tusks weighs about 250 pounds. Also, the bad news is that things don’t seem to be get any better. In conclusion, the best way we can stop this poaching problem with snow leopards, elephants, and other animals, is through education. We should spread awareness and let people know the possible impacts that could come as a consequence of killing all of these animals for self-interests or wealth.


  8. It’s sad to think that these magnificent creatures are passing though a decrease in their population. There are so many endangered species out in the world, but for what cause? Decorations? Trophies? Fun? This is all wrong. Instead of destroying the species, we need to let them be, let natural selection take care of their deaths. We people have manipulated this process for so long and we still continue to do it anyways. It can be considered natural selection when someone kills an animal in order to survive, but not for the stupid reasons people kill now a days like for fun or decoration. The snow leopard is at risk of being an endangered species, like many more… it is not right for us to kill for fun. If we can see the problem now we can still act before the snow leopard become endangered.


  9. As well as the snow leopard is endangered, there are many other cat species in Asia that are also on the same path, such as the tiger. Unfortunately, it had been predicted that all tigers will become extinct in the wild within the next decade. The tiger population globally has decreased exponentially, from about 100,000 to estimably 4,000. The greatest threat in Asia causing the extinction of the animal is the high demand for traditional medicine. From tiger bones, many home remedies could be made. It’s still not to late to make a difference; many foundations contribute to the salvation of the tigers and other extinct cats in order to make a difference.


  10. The snow leopard is a stunning animal, an article by National Geographic said the leopard has the ability to jump as far as 50 feet and is also a powerful predator and can kill an animal that is three times its own weight, that is pretty impressive. Such animals that are so unique and majestic should be preserved, but sadly most of humanity doesn’t think that way. These leopards are being hunted and killed for the use of their fur and also for their body parts, which are used in Chinese medicine. Their habitat and their food resources have also been taken away. Something has to be done to try and preserve these leopards before it’s too late.


  11. Such a beautiful animal with such a heartbreaking population decrease. There are approximately 4,500-7,500 snow leopards living in the mountains of central Asia, about 60% of those living in china. There are three main reasons these snow leopards are in danger. The first reason is that the bones, skin, and organs of big cats are valuable in traditional Asian medicine. Tigers are also endangered because of that since they were always the “ideal” cat for the job, but since tigers are so rare now, snow leopards are used instead. Another reason overgrazing damages caused by humans in the mountain grasslands, leaving sheep and deer (snow leopard’s main meal) to die of hunger, that causing less food for snow leopards and they too would die of hunger. The third and main reason would be hunting to sell the skin and bones to furniture companies to use them as decoration. People love the animals, but many don’t do anything to help stop the decrease. Save the cats!



  12. It is rather sickening to think that at this day and age humans are still pretty much single-handedly causing the endangerment of many animal species just to make a quick buck. The big problem is that it doesn’t only happen to one specie or just to animals, deforestation is a HUGE danger, for it has innumerable consequences on the world and the immediate environment that was changed. Many a great animal has fallen victim to our senseless killing and abuse of its body, such as the woolly mammoth and currently is the African elephant. For more information regarding endangered animals, I encourage anyone interested to visit https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/directory?direction=desc&sort=extinction_status


  13. Snow leopards are such beautiful, graceful and mysterious animals, that I can’t believe that they are in danger of extinction. I have always loved big cats, such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, panthers, leopards, etc., and it so saddening to know that so many of them are in danger of extinction. The fact that there is a big possibility that this magnificent animals will be gone one day is just heartbreaking, but I believe that by educating the people on this animal and its fate, they will come together and join the conversation efforts, in the hopes that one day we will stop the destruction of the habitat of this wonderful animal and protect it from poachers, so that this generation, along with the ones that come after it, will have the chance to appreciate it. This video I found shows rare footage of a snow leopard in the wild, hunting.


  14. I feel both sadness and empathy towards this poor animal. There are other reasons why this big cat is in real trouble, those are due to the easy access by people to weapons for hunting, the absence of recreational facilities for young men who turn to sport hunting and cause damage to all wild life, and the over- use and cutting of trees in the wild life habitats. Just to know that we are part of the problem makes me furious because things like this can be avoided. I started to do research as I read that Snow Leopards are in trouble because of the negligence of man kind, and found that there is a law that protects Snow Leopards and if one is to be hunted, the person is culpable of punishment by imprisonment and fines; something that fills me with joy and hope. Its unfortunate to seethe the world is divided by two types of people, those who truly want to make a change in the world and those who contribute to all things that harm our planet. We just have to decide which person we want to become.

    I found this excellent article that provides information about how we’re creating coexistence between snow leopards and people.


  15. I find it very sad that humans are largely responsible for the endangerment of beautiful animals such as the snow leopard. Conservationists have estimated that there are only 3000-6000 snow leopards left in the wild. Unfortunately, their conservation is unlikely; demand for their body parts is growing and it is hard for them to reproduce rapidly because they live in small populations. For more information about this magnificent animal and its endangerment, visit the following website: http://snowleopardblog.com/about/snow-leopard-facts/


  16. It is sad to watch such a beautiful species slowly diminish. Regardless of its rapid decline in population, it is not too late to save it from extinction. There are several organizations, such as the following, that are working to protect the snow leopard in several countries.


  17. Leopards, in my opinion, are one of the best wild cats, along with lions and cheetahs; for me to see this strange and exotic animal is just extraordinary. I saw some videos of the snow leopard and was truly amazed. The colors and patterns of its body even match with the mountains and its environment around it. I saw one video of it on the hunt after a little deer, and noticed how it used the mountain as camouflage and to get closer to its prey. I also noticed how most of these blog posts are somehow related to camouflage and how animals use it to their advantage, and we have talked about homeostasis, adaptation and evolution throughout the semester. Evolution and adaptation is what has helped them be able to use the mountains to hunt and survive, amazing!


  18. Seeing an animal as majestic as this one is just extraordinary, a majestic creature. And it being so unique is why it gets hunted for its skin, and its just a tragedy for people to commit such a heinous crime. We should let animals like these survive and reproduce, so we can be able to appreciate their existence. Its a pity that people dont care about the wonders this animals evolutionary process has made to surrvive in such rigorous conditions. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20094933


  19. It is still a shame that humans continue to disrupt nature as they wish, killing animals for exploiting their different valuable parts. The human race still has no consciousness of the damage they are making to the snow leopard, bringing them to the edge of extinction. It is not the first time that we have annihilated the population of a species until making it extinct. We must protect this snow leopard from being illegally killed for its skin. It is crucial to inform the community in order for to contribute to the protection of this and other endangered species and prevent them from becoming extinct.


  20. The snow leopard is one of the many species facing human intrusion. Why aren’t we blaming ourselves for the damages we cause?
    Curiously, when we see a video of a shark attacking a man, we immediately sympathize the man and immediately label the shark as a beast. If a stranger would come into your house, you would want to defend yourself. This applies to the shark: self-defense is important and an animal instinct we all possess. Why do we blame the victim then? It has been said that the most dangerous animal in the world is man, which is proven by our constant invasion towards nature and its inhabitants.


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