Last post of Sem. I, 2015-2016

These pictures have something to say about stuff I’ve said in class. All of them can be used to illustrate a summary of an introductory Bio course.

10 pictures. You can work on this post which ever way you like; but if your comment is a narrative about Biology, mentioning these images (at least 5 of them), it’ll be worth double. For example, if you have 3 comments at this point, you can finish your job by weaving a summary with these images.

The due date of your work has been updated to December 11th, 2015.
Happy Thanksgiving.

36 thoughts on “Last post of Sem. I, 2015-2016

  1. All of these pictures have something related to Biology. Biology is everything in life, from the first atom born up to present day. In the first picture ( it reminds me of the Big Bang Theory. This is a mathematical theory that explains how an explosion created the universe (later life). In the second picture ( it reminds me of chemistry. That explosion must have been a reactant of a redox reaction. Without the redox reactions (chemistry) there wouldn’t be no life because no good changes can happen.
    In the third picture ( it is a dolphin. This reminds me of evolution. Before the dolphin, there was another creature that existed. Over time, evolution changed the animal into a dolphin and it will continue to evolve to make new organisms.
    The fourth picture ( It reminds me of Technology. Technology is very important because it helps us humans to be able to survive better. With the help of machines we can create many things that in the future we need.
    And finally, the last picture ( reminds me of how water is important for life . It’s very important because water has the ability to be polar and this makes water have the characteristics to make life possible and survive.

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  2. Please refer to the last blog post of this semester for the images mentioned. All pictures are mentioned from left to right and from top to bottom. (

    Picture 1… In the beginning, all was but a single point in nothingness, concentrated into a super-dense period in space. Time could wait no longer to exist, and so the concentration burst forth in all directions–an unstoppable force that would create innumerable particles that would roam the known universe.

    Picture 2… After billions of years, substances, attracted to each other, created gravitational forces. Chunks of space rock and ice formed, and eventually protoplanets were made. On the surface of the early Earth, a mixture of space-born gases inhabited the early atmosphere. Hydrogen sulfide, methane, carbon dioxide, and other primitive substances filled our planet with the potential for creation.

    Picture 3… Time passed. Meteors brought to the Earth the first water molecules, which grouped to form early bodies of what would soon be known as the universal solvent for life and inanimate objects.

    Picture 4… This new liquid environment proved to be the metaphorical spark for the creation of complexity. Lightning high above in the clouds provided the literal spark that would shock the water, stimulate the new primordial soup of early elements, and ultimately explode into the formation of indispensable compounds for life, such as the precious amino acids.

    Picture 5… With time, the atmosphere grew calm, aqueous bodies grew into oceans, and the Earth started to form its characteristic, welcoming shape. Habitats formed on the outside world as well as on the inside of a cell. Complexity was reaching new levels.

    Picture 6… After long years of trial and error, the mechanisms of evolution bring us to today. We can experience the wonders of life, from the beauty of an infant dolphin to the impressive strength of a full-grown human being. Millions of different species now inhabit our Earth…and possibly the universe that surrounds us all.

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    • I suggest you read the work of Ernesto Cardenal, a poet from Nicaragua. He won a Nobel Prize a few years ago. For people who like science, and don’t know if the’ll like poetry, Cardenal is a good introduction. Excellent work, Arnaldo.


  3. Biology is the branch of science that studies life. First of all, for something to be called alive it needs to have the following characteristics: it has to have one or more cells, it has a metabolism (energy), it maintains homeostasis or stable internal conditions, responds to stimuli or change in the external or internal environment, it is organized in terms of external and internal state, change through time, have DNA, and grow and reproduce. This reproduction results in more of that species such as the picture with the new born dolphin. Life also depends on the elements found in the planet. The most important elements for life are the SPONCH elements. One very important element is Carbon. This element is the backbone for very important substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, DNA and RNA, lipids… The SPONCH elements can also combine to form important substances for life. Water is a very important and significant compound for life. It has many properties that other compounds don’t have. It is found here on Earth in solid, gas, and liquid form. Its liquid form can be observed in the picture of a pool in a Californian house. Water has partial charges which gives it other properties for life such as in metabolism. Metabolism is energy and all the energy on Earth comes from a star. The Model of HL Tau, a photograph, is a star which gives off energy. But Earth’s energy comes mostly from the star called the sun. The energy given off is light. This light causes metabolism to start in the chloroplasts of the autotrophs. The photons excite the chlorophylls in the photosystems which causes ATP to be created by the proton gradient formed. In this process, photosystem II, as in the image, is extremely important because it replenishes its own electron with its enzyme that breaks apart water. It is the only thing that can do that and without it life would not be possible because if it couldn’t replenish its lost electron the electron transport chain would come to a halt, then the Calvin Cycle wouldn’t take place and no organic compounds wouldn’t be created and there wouldn’t be energy for the living things. After the electron transport chain, the electron carriers along with carbon dioxide go to the Calvin Cycle where organic compounds are made and are used by the autotrophs and the heterotrophs to take out all of the stored energy in them. The organic compounds are broken down in glycolysis and cellular respiration. These compounds undergo redox reactions and exergonic reactions which release energy form the bonds in the form of heat powering organisms. Exergonic reactions also occur with gasoline and form fire such as in the picture. So, as can be seen, Biology is a very interesting science that contains many things to be learned and still has things to be discovered…
    This link shows more of exergonic reactions:

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    • When we look at the big picture, Biology is all about energy, and living beings can do with that energy. I think that your comment, Brandon, is an excellent way of showing how much you’ve learned in just one semester.


  4. In the first picture, the HL Tau star reminds me of all life is made from matter from stars.

    The second picture to me is a larger picture of what happens in cells: energy is released, even though on the cells it’s controlled.
    Exergonic- a reaction that accompanies a release of energy

    The third picture represents on the the seven characteristics of life: reproduction.

    The fourth picture is another essential element to life: light. Light fuels photosynthesis and also brings warmth to our planet, which made life possible.

    The fifth picture of Plato’s Cave is a sign that people can make mistakes, as life can do with mutations and other things. But mutations can lead to evolution and survival.


  5. We could not be talking about life harnessing the power of stars (biochemistry), without the work that ancients did in regards to the natural world. With this I mean that philosophy came before science. If you’re interested in philosophy and Plato, I suggest you check out this Youtube channel, called ‘8 bit philosophy’: This video is a summary of Plato’s famous Cave allegory:


  6. Biology is the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction structure and behavior. In picture #1, the star reminds me of how the universe was formed with the Big Bang Theory 13.8 billion years ago and how the planets, the sun and all matter in the universe came to be. In picture #2, the silicone particles spinning around the rotors seem like energy that is made from their electronegativity, Chemistry. Biology is the Chemistry of life. In picture #3, the pool is filled with water. Water is very important for life, it is the universal solvent, it has property that other molecules do not have and it can be found in a state of gas, solid or liquid. In picture #4, the flame is the visible portion of the fire. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. In picture #5, the new born dolphin reminds me of the evolution of life. Early dolphins include Kentriodon and Hadrodelphis. Dolphins belong to Kentriodontidae, which were small to medium-sized toothed cetaceans with largely symmetrical skulls, and thought likely to include ancestors of some modern species. Kentriodontids date to the late Oligocene to late Miocene.

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  7. With these pictures, you can explain what biology is and why it is important starting from the very beginning. As seen in the first picture, there is what seems to be the Big Bang. The Big Bang is a huge explosion that is theorized to be what started a series of events that led up to what we now know as life, although it isn’t stopping there. After the Big Bang, there was a very long period of extreme chaos in the universe. Stars were formed along with solar systems and the elements. A very long time ago, our solar system was a cloud-like thing of dust and gas that is known as a solar nebula. Then our planets started forming. It is said that water came into our planet in a meteor, something like the last picture (although the last picture is a meteorite made of iron). Meteors and meteorites are rocks that travel through space, carrying all kinds of elements. A meteor that had ice on it landed on Earth, like the iron meteorite, and with Earth’s temperature, the ice melted and created liquid water, adding more hydrogen and oxygen to our atmosphere.
    Fast forward a few billion years and you have the ocean, represented in the picture of the beach. Much like water, we owe meteors a lot of the things we have in our atmosphere. If it weren’t for the meteors, we wouldn’t even have water to make that beautiful pool we have in the picture of the house in California or the elements necessary to make Cu2CO3(OH)2, a beautiful carbonate mineral which you can see in the second to last picture. With much time, single cellular organisms formed. They were the only living things on Earth for a while, until somehow, according to the Endosymbiotic Theory, a single-cell organism got inside another single-cell organism, creating what we now know as the eukaryotic cell. An example of the endosymbiotic theory is the mitochondria. Supposedly, the mitochondria were a cell of its own that got inside another cell. Without mitochondria, we wouldn’t be able to live.
    With the creation of the eukaryotic cell came plants and animals, like the dolphin being held in one picture. That dolphin came a few million years later, though, with the help of evolution. Evolution is the cause of every living thing we have today in day Everything, including us humans, evolved from something else, that evolved from something else that evolved from something else. Having mitochondria in our cells lets us infer that we have a common ancestor with the dolphins, who also have mitochondria in their cells. With evolution, Homo sapiens came to exist. Homo sapiens stands for “man who thinks” now that we are capable of having reason and to use our minds wisely. Thanks to this, going back to the California house, we could build that house and create that pool.
    The dolphin, humans, and every living thing in this planet depend on each other to live. We all need the ocean to live. Interdependence is the key of living. Without each other, we would all cease to exist. That’s why biology is important, because in order to understand what we need to survive and who we are, we need to know where we come from and why. Without the knowledge we have of biology, we wouldn’t know that we need to preserve animals and nature because we wouldn’t know the importance of them.

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  8. Biology is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior and origin.
    ​In this post are several images that represent and are related to the term biology in general. One of the images is a House at Big Sur, California, where water is predominating in the picture. This I relate it to the fact that water is extremely necessary for all living things. Water is one of the basic components every organism needs in order to survive. Another image that demonstrates its relevance with biology is the new born dolphin, which is a symbol for new life because of reproduction of two organisms and you can also see it as an exchange in DNA from parent to offspring. The third image would be the fire explosion. This fire was the effect of an exergonic reaction. Exergonic reactions are made by producing energy and therefore occurring spontaneously. This reminds me of chemistry. In addition to these, the image of the HL Tau star demonstrates how big and diverse our universe is and that many other kinds of things can be found in outer space. Finally, the last image that talks about how could life on earth be possible without Photosystem II is for me one of the most important. Photosystem II is very important for plants and organisms since they are interdependent. This makes photosynthesis possible and for us humans when it reaches the step of splitting water it gives out oxygen which is another very important component for life on Earth.

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  9. In life, everything is interdependent, and if we talk about biology, the science that studies life, then everything in biology is interdependent as well. The first picture, which shows a model of the HL Tau star, is there to remind us that stars are the main source of energy needed for life. Without a star, most, if not all reactions happening on Earth would not be possible.

    For example, the photons emitted from our sun are used in photosynthesis, a type of endergonic reaction. During photosynthesis, more specifically during light-dependent reactions, photons hit the thylakoid membrane, where the Electron Transport Chain is found. In the ETC, we find Photosystem II, which brings me to the question asked on picture #8. Life on Earth would not be possible without Photosystem II because it is responsible for the oxidation of water, which releases the oxygen necessary for animals into the atmosphere. Water, like the pool shown in photo #3, is extremely important for photosynthesis because the hydrogen atoms left over after the oxidation of water are used in the ETC to collect energy and later to help form glucose in the light-independent reactions.

    Animals like the dolphin shown in picture #5 breath oxygen from the atmosphere to use it during cellular respiration. Cellular respiration, contrary to photosynthesis, is an exothermic reaction because it is a process that releases energy, like photo #4. A presentation explaining how cellular respiration and photosynthesis are interdependent on the link below. It would have been interesting if another picture was added, a DNA strand or an organelle, and see how all of these pictures have more in common than we think.

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  10. All of these images are related to what is Biology, the study of life. But these images are more than just related, each of them are interdependent with eachother, which means that they depend on eachother continously in order to maintain life as we know it. In the first image(from left to right and top to bottom), this could be seen as one of the many final products from the Big Bang, the theory of how the universe was created. In the third image, it shows that water is everything and indeed it is because without it, important chemical reactions could not take place since it does not have the electronegativity water has and thus we could not live without it. In the fourth image, it shows an exergonic reaction taking place, which is a reaction that releases energy. For more info, check out this link:
    In the sixth image, it shows a baby dolphin, this is simply how evolution has changed life through time. In the eighth image, it shows an example of light, which gives off light energy(photons) and it is received by plant cells(specifically in photosystem II and photosystem I). These photosystems then makes way for photosynthesis in plant cells. By just mentioning these five images, a example of interdependence can be made. The baby dolphin cannot live if plants can’t produce oxygen without photosystem II. Plants can’t live if it does not have water to make the reactions it needs to maintain itself. But none of this cannot be possible if the Big Bang never happened, then again, the Big Bang was actually a massive exergonic reaction that released a huge amount of energy.


  11. All the images have in common a reference to Biology, which is the study of the structure, function, growth, origin and evolution of living organisms.

    In the image showing a swimming pool we can see water, which is made up of some of the most unique molecules known to man and has a major role in every biological system, since it covers 75% of the Earth’s surface and composes roughly 78% of the human body. This image, in turn, is related to the the image showing a dolphin. It is fascinating how all living creatures, even those as different as ocean and terrestrial species, share common characteristics such as the reproduction of organisms and evolution. During reproduction, hereditary traits and genetic information are passed down from parent to offspring. Dolphin intelligence has been proven to be closely related to human DNA. Evolution is a common process between all living species, and it occurs in long periods of time, even billions of years. Although it may not always be obvious, human beings have a lot in common with the rest of the species that inhabit our planet.

    On the other hand, the image of a meteorite is a great representation of life in far away corners of the universe. It is surprising, yet reassuring, to find that elements found in planet Earth, such as iron, are present in other planets or star material. The SPONCH elements, or basic elements that compose living things, are not only present in our planet, but in the universe in general. In our search for life outside Earth, this confirms that the possibility of finding proof of extraterrestrial life is closer every day. Furthermore, meteorites such as the one shown in another of the images are also reminders of the Big Bang Theory, that proposes the origin of the universe as an event that occurred 13.7 billion years ago. In the image showing the HL Tauri Star we can relate to the previous picture of the meteorite, because fragments of the original explosion are still expanding throughout the universe, and meteorites and planets are an example of this.

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  12. Biology is more than the study of life, it is the study how life formed, how life is, and how it may be. The first picture looks like a model of the Big Bang. The Big Bang is the theory that explains how life began. The picture actually is a star, the HL Tau. Stars are the main source of energy for our planet. In the second picture, an exergonic reaction is happening. Exergonic reactions are the release of energy to the surroundings. Exergonic reactions are part of metabolism, life-sustaining chemical transformations inside cells. In the picture of the house in California, water is present. Water is everything in biology because of its many properties. Water is the universal solvent. Water is polar and creates strong hydrogen bonds which allow high heat capacity, adhesion, cohesion, and capillarity. The eighth photo (next to the hurricane) looks like a star. To harness energy from stars, plants have photosystems, which have pigments that absorb photons. Life would not be possible on Earth without harnessing energy from stars. The picture of the dolphin represents evolution. There is a theory that dolphins descended from a land mammal called Pakicetus. All the pictures are interdependent. Water and stars are the basic “instruments” for life. With water and energy from stars, plants could produce glucose and oxygen. To produce glucose and oxygen the cells in plants performed exergonic reactions. With oxygen, more complex life forms developed. Through evolution organisms got more and more complex until they became what they are today.

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  13. Biology is the study of all living things and all of these pictures are related to it
    1. The first image I choose is the photo of the star because it reminds me of the big bang theory which is the theory that states how our planet was created due to a long time ago
    2. The second image I choose is the photo of water , 78 % of our body is made up of water and also water is a very important molecule for life. Due to the electronegativity of water it has polarity and due to this characteristic water has high a heat capacity , it is denser as a liquid than a solid , it is the universal solvent. And also it is capable of surface tension , cohesion , adhesion and capillary action which is very important for plants when water is moving through the plant’s stem.
    3. The third photo I choose is the one of the explosion. This explosion is a chemical reaction which are often present in biology for biology is the Chemistry of Life. An exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction where the change in the free energy is negative (there is a net release of free energy), indicating a spontaneous reaction
    4. The fourth image I choose is that of the dolphin. The dolphin is a living organism because it has the seven characteristics of life present which are organization and cells , response to stimuli , able to maintain homeostasis , metabolism , growth and development , able to reproduce ,and ability to perform adaptation.
    5. The fifth image is the one of the malachite stalactite.Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, with the formula Cu2CO3(OH)This opaque, green banded mineral crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system, and most often forms botryoidal, fibrous, or stalagmitic masses, in fractures and spaces, deep underground, where the water table and hydrothermal fluids provide the means for chemical precipitation. Individual crystals are rare but do occur as slender to acicular prisms. Pseudomorphs after more tabular or blocky azurite crystals also occur.

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  14. Biology is a long story about how there is life and how there is a universe. This is only a fragment of this wonderful story through pictures.

    The first picture is of a star. Stars remind me of the Big Bang Theory because there was light after the Big Bang. Without light, there wouldn’t be photosynthesis and without photosynthesis, there wouldn’t be life on Earth.

    The second picture is of iron. When our planet was forming, rocks crashed and compressed into each other and metals were made. Metals are very are important substances for the periodic table and make up many of the structures on Earth. Also, organisms need metals to survive, for example, blood requires iron and blood is very important for animals to breathe, eat, and survive.

    The third picture is of water. Water is as equally important for life as is light. Without water, the first microorganisms wouldn’t have thrived and helped to create our atmosphere. We need water because our bodies are mostly made of water. Plants also need water to undergo photosynthesis.

    The fourth picture is of a baby dolphin. Dolphins are one of the many successes of our planet. Thanks to light, metals, water, and many other important things, life has surged in our planet. The dolphin also reminds me of the biodiversity on Earth.

    The fifth and final picture is of an explosion. This picture reminds me of the technology that humanity has developed through a course of a few hundred years. Humanity has been able to modify and control atoms for their own use, but there is still a lot that only nature can control.


  15. Biology is a very diversified matter in science. It can go many ways but it is still talking about the natural world and living organisms. As we all know it, in order to maintain life things need to be interdependent, and continuously in touch.

    1. newborn dolphin
    When I see the picture of the newborn dolphin, I think about evolution. Evolution has permitted us to see and have such a diverse community, seeing not all organisms are the same or similar. It accounts for the unity and diversity among living organisms. One of the most governing concepts in Biology is evolution and understanding evolution helps us solve biological problems that impact our lives also help us find out were we come from and why there are so many different species that exist.

    2. A model of HL Tau star
    This picture reminds me of what science is all about. In my opinion, science is exploration, curiosity, and people trying to put explanations to unexplainable things. People go beyond limits and find new things, things that have been left in the dark for too long. Up until this day we still don’t know half of it, and compared to how much time the Earth has lived, us humans have lived for mere seconds.

    3. A house at Big Sur, California
    Yes, it reminds me of water because it is a picture of a pool and pools are normally found filled with water. Water is very important to life.It is a simple inorganic compound that accounts for approximately 55-60% of the body mass of lean adult humans and is found throughout the human body where it occupies most of the volume of many of the body’s fluids, cells, and therefore the tissues formed by such cells. Water has important roles and functions in chemistry, biochemistry and biology due to its diverse properties (that is, the way it behaves).

    4. Machine with silicone rotors spinning
    The machine is a mere example of technology. Our society could not be imagined without new technologies and their role both in this society and in human life in general. Technology helps improve (sometimes) the way of life. Because technology provides the tools and biology the problems, the two should enjoy a happy marriage.

    5. A hurricane in a jovian planets
    With information provided by NASA, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus are known as the Jovian planets, also called the “giant planets”. Unlike the terrestrial planets that make up our inner solar system — Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars — the Jovian planets do not have solid surfaces. Instead, they are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane, ammonia, water, and other gases in their atmospheres. But despite the fact that the jovian planets do not have solid surfaces, Earth and these planets share some of the elements in their atmosphere. The most important elements in Earth’s atmosphere are known as the SPONCH elements: Sulfur, Phosphate. Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen. Without these elements we would cease to exist, and science would lose a huge branch of what they represent.

    Click to access lp_jovian_planets.pdf


  16. After carefully observing these images, it is evident that the world is seen from a different perspective once one has studied life. It is not only a privilege to have the knowledge that we share, but it is also wonderful to understand the micro and the macro of that one thing that we all take for granted, life. It amazing to understand that all of life stems from the same place, that although we are raised to believe otherwise, earth is a community that should co-exist with harmony. Everything living shares the same roots. This only makes me think of a quote once said by Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert “Biology will relate every human gene to the genes of other animals and bacteria, to this great chain of being.” This great quote gives another perspective on life, making us understand that we should focus on the things that make us similar, not on the differences. Consequently, creating a healthier environment for every being.


  17. Picture #1 shows the HL Tauri, a young star in the Taurus constellation, an approximated of 450 light years from Earth in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. It is less than 100,000 years old and it has a magnitude of 15.1.
    In #2 we see sand, silicon dioxide in the form of quartz, which is what some Earth’s landmasses are made of. Weathering processes such as water, wind, and others, break down these rocks making sand grains.
    #3 is about water, H2O, which is what an approximated of 80% of the human body is made of. Water is also 96.5% of planet Earth, and without it life would not be possible.
    Picture #4: we see an exergonic reaction, which means the release of energy in a chemical process.
    In #5 a newborn dolphin is shown, this is a representation of the many organisms that habit this Earth, being specific, the mammals, which were born in day 26 of December in the cosmic calendar, almost 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang.
    #6: Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads, being the cave’s wall the only thing they can see. Behind them burns a fire and in between the prisoners and the fire is a parapet, where puppeteers stand and hold puppets that cast shadows for the prisoners to see reflected on the wall.
    Picture #7: A functional group is a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of a particular compound. Functional groups are fundamental in life.
    #8: Photosystem 2 is the first protein complex in the light dependent reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis. Life would not be possible without it.
    In #9 we can see Malachite, a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, an opaque green rock.
    And finally, #10 shows a meteorite, a solid piece of debris from a source such as an asteroid or a comet, which originates in outer space and survives its impact with the Earth’s surface and it’s called a meteoroid before its impact.


  18. The Picture with a new born dolphin as learned in the biology class, the closest level of classification in taxonomy to humans and dolphins is the class of Mammalia. It means that it breaths air, have a backbone and the females mammals have glands that can produce milk for their new born. Mammals are the most intelligent of all living creatures that we know of.

    An exergonic reaction such as the one we can see in the picture with the big fire explosion is a chemical reaction that releases energy in form of heat when its bonds are broken down. Similar to catabolic reactions in humans when molecules are also broken down into smaller components. It’s an important reaction since in most process to release energy must encounter exergonic reactions.

    The house in Big Sun, California with the pool of water must be of some fortunate people. Since the world is suffering a severe drought. Very ironic that 71% of earth surface is covered with sea water. Unfortunately for humans if we drink too much water with salt we could end up dehydrated. Therefore potable or desalinated water is extremely important for us considering that our body is covered 75% of water. Also it regulates our body tempeture, provides the brain more oxygen level, prevent heart attacks, etc.

    A malachite stalactite a light to dark green carbonate mineral, Cu2CO3(OH)2. It’s used as a source of copper. It reminds me a lot a lot of a green flower and how in biology everything has a resemblance from one another.

    Plato’s cave is an allegory from Plato a Greek philosopher that said that life is like being chained up in a cave forced to watch shadows across the stone wall. Found in the book VII of “The Republican” where he envisioned society by examining the concept of: justice, truth and beauty. The allegory is about a group of prisoners confined in a cave since birth with its back facing the outside, with no knowledge of the outside world. Yet they could see the shadows of things passing by, one of the prisoner breaks free and goes to the outside world not being a fan of the light outside. He gets used to seeing things as they are and not the shadows but when he goes back to the cave he could barely see the shadows on the wall. The other prisoners thought that the journey made him stupid refusing the get them out. Pointing out that most people can be uncomfortable with their ignorance yet they can become hostile when someone may point it out.


  19. Biology is the study of life from a small atom to a huge whale. All of these pictures have something to do with biology. Picture #1 represents the Big Bang Theory which happened 13.8 billion years ago and created millions of stars and planets. Life wouldn’t happen without the Big Bang. Picture #2 shows a helicopter with rovers made out if silicone to produce energy. This picture is related with Biology because Biology is the Chemistry of life and you can’t have one without the other. This picture also tells us how far humans have advanced with technology and how our minds have evolved. Picture #3 shows a pool filled with water which seems simple enough but water is one of the main factors when it comes to living things existing alongside oxygen. We just wouldn’t be able to survive because our bodies require water to keep having energy. You can say water is the battery that keeps living things going. Picture #4 shows a flame of a big fire inside a cave. A flame needs oxygen and carbon dioxide to ignite and it also represents the natural dangers that all living things are exposed to. Finally Picture #5 shows a new born baby dolphin which represents reproduction and evolution of a species. Species evolve to adapt and survive to changes in the environment and is necessary if not that specific species might go into extinction.


  20. Biology is the study of life and evolution. There are countless subjects that could be talked about in biology and these pictures prove just that. All of these images are related to biology in some way. For example, the picture of the Big Bang. The Big Bang Theory explains how the universe was created. It states that a huge explosion emitted large amounts of energy which created the first life. This is important for biology because it explains how everything was created. In the second picture there are two rotors spinning. In this picture exergonic reactions are taking place. Exergonic reactions are reactions in which energy is released. They are important for biology because without them life wouldn’t exist. Another image relevant to biology is the picture of the pool. Water is extremely important for life. It is the universal solvent, and it has properties that no other molecule present in nature has. Earth’s oceans produce about 50% of the oxygen we breath and they also regulate Earth’s weather. Without water life wouldn’t be possible. The picture of the new born dolphin shows many things important for biology as well. This picture shows the purpose of living: reproduction. Every living thing lives to reproduce. Only living organisms can reproduce and without reproduction life would cease to exist and species would be wiped out. This is a recurring theme among scientists because humans are killing animals in a faster rate in which they can reproduce and this is causing a mass extinction. Finally, the image that talks about Photosystem II also shows relevance to biology. Photosystem II is very important for life because it releases oxygen for animals to breath and animals release carbon dioxide which photosystem II needs. This makes them interdependent with each other and is one of the reasons why life on Earth works.


  21. These pictures may seem different to anyone, but not for us because in biology you learn that is more to it for something as simple as a book. We learn where everything came from and that life doesn’t stop with just us. We weren’t what started everything, it actually was the Big Bang. There are many conspiracy theories about it, but we so far know it is the dawn of everything. The first picture actually reminds me of what the Big Bang would of looked like. The third picture, where there is a big pool filled of water reminds me of the first day of biology class surprisingly. The teacher asked us what was water and the silence in the classroom was almost consuming. Back then I would’ve told you it’s something wet. However, it’s not just that. Today, I can tell you it’s a liquid, it’s H2O, it can be broken, it breaks things. Water is not just water it more. Just like the picture of the new born dolphin it’s not that. There I can see growth and development, evolution, and the beginning of the long run. But living organisms need energy from somewhere, which brings me to the picture with the star asking what life would be like without photosynthesis. It’s a tough question to ask ourselves really. In this website there are many comments on it ( ), but my answer would be simple, we wouldn’t be here. It the harsh reality, but not only would we not be here anymore, but many species would suffer and go down with us. I saw a video on the photo of Plato’s Cave ( ) and some quotes really got stuck like, “The world is made up of reflections of more perfect and ideal forms.” and “The material world consists of half-seen images of the true forms of everything.” These two quotes can not be more true. We don’t really take a second glance on things, we just look and see if it’s pretty or not, which is quite depressing actually. There is more to life than just beauty, there is history.


  22. The malachite stalactite is exactly what we learned in chapter 1: the introduction to biology. Malachite stalactite is a none living thing that grows by the process of accumulation of its own substances and particles, much like the crystals that we discussed in class. It is also an organic material; it contains carbon.

    The Tursiops truncatus more commonly known as the bottle-nose dolphin is part of the eukaryote domain and it is a multicellular organism. Living organisms contain the characteristics of life they need to survive.
    – homeostasis to maintain or level the internal temperature of your body with the outside environment.
    – response to stimuli more known as a reflex, like how your pupils react to sunlight.
    – metabolism cellular respiration the process in which the organism consumes food to produce ATP or stored energy.
    – Every organism has its organized body, the organelles make up the cell, cells make up tissue, tissues make up organs and organs make the organ system, thus organisms are created.
    -in the future this organism will grow by cell division and develop or mature and at the end reproduce by sexual reproduction.
    – and in a long period of time change will take its course.

    Water is known as the universal solvent. It mixes with many different elements and it is in the liquid state meaning that it maintains it’s volume, and in this picture the shape of a magnificent pool. Water represents polarity or covalent bond shares two pairs of electrons, what is water? I would like to look at it as a substance that has so many different qualities that a simple definition could not begin to explain it. Water is different when it changes from it’s liquid state to solid, it is less dense. When it turns into gas the molecules move more rapidly. Water gives organisms life, it plays a role in cellular respiration, about 70% of each cell is made up of water. Water is not just everything, water is LIFE.

    Photosystem II plays a huge role in the photosynthesis process and the process of cellular respiration. Photosystem II basically breaks down water molecules in the thylakoids membrane and releases O2 into the atmosphere. Photosystem II doesn’t play a role within cellular respiration but it releases the O2 needed to undergo the process meaning that with out photosystem II life would not be possible.

    The development of the young star HL Tao is part of how life began, recalling the Big Bang theory, the planets and stars are believed to be formed of clouds of gas and dust that collapsed. When time passes, all these particles begin to combine with each other to transform into sand, pebbles and rocks. That, in time, would probably lead to the development of planets. Imagine, something so simple or small such as dust and gas in the future could lead to a planet. It is incredible! Take a look of this video: Birth of a star – Video –

    References: biology book


  23. In this post the phoss are all relating in some way towards life. The baby dolphin is the representation of reproduction which important for the survival of an species. This can also lead to mutations that can start the proces of natural selection that leads to evolution of a species. The explosion is probably a supernova or nova as a star has come to theof its life. Stars are highly important as we can see in the sun which provides plants with energy they need to do photosynthesis. The black hole seems just to be a black hole that form when a star die. The star in the lab seems to be all of the advances in science and technology. The picture with the explosion reminds me of the destruction that technology can lead to our world. Just as we advance we risk destroying ourselves in the process.


  24. The study of life is what we know as Biology. After observing these 10 images I have identified many aspects of how Biology is so important and how it is part of our life.
    A house at Big Sur, California. Water. Water is everything.
    In the picture we can see a huge pool filled with water. Water is a transparent, odorless, tasteless, it is liquid, and can be found in lakes, rivers, oceans. Properties of water are polarity, density, it is the universal solvent, high specific heat, adhesion, cohesion and capillary action. We need water to be alive.

    A new born dolphin.
    After observing the photo of the new born dolphin the first thing that I think about is evolution. Because of evolution we are alive on Earth and reproduction and natural selection has allowed this baby to be born.

    A model of HL Tau – a star
    After carefully observing this image, this instantly reminded me of the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it starting with a small singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today. After the Big Bang there was light.

    Research the concept ‘exergonic’
    In this image we can clearly exergonic taking place. Exergonic refers to chemical reactions that proceed spontaneously from reactants to products with the release of energy.

    Research: ‘Plato’s Cave”
    The allegory of the Cave is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work Republic. Plato describes a gathering of people who had lived chained to the wall of a cave for their entire life, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of the fire behind them. From this they began to give names to the shadows. He the explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows do not make up reality at all. He can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.


  25. These pictures are all great reminders of the vastness of Bioolgy. The first picture seems to be an object in space exploding, which reminds me of the Big Bang Theory, the theory that the universe and it’s elements began with one big explosion. ( )

    Upon looking at the image of the dolphin, evolution comes to mind. Specifically how dolphins and whales came about, both descended from rodent-like land dwelling mammals. Changes like these take place during millions of years, and can lead to some amazing results. ( )

    The third image I have selected, the explosion, is an astounding representation of what chemicals can create. In specific, Redox Reactions. Even though Redox Reactions only do so little, they can cause huge products. This “Butterfly Effect” Redox Reactions cause, as shown by the explosion, can create a burst -pun intended- of effects far greater than imaginable. ( )

    Water, as shown by my fourth imge, is important to life. Being both an acid and a base makes H2O a primary source for reactions. It is what many important chemical reactions are based on. Again, the pun is intended. ( )

    The final image leads us to present day. Technology has changed and lead us homosapiens into a state no other being alive has been to. These inventions help us everyday in many ways, and make us feel like powerful beings with astounding powers. But, in my opinion, technology’s most fascinating use is it’s use in uncovering the past. It seems amusing in my mind, the fact that we can use complex chemical reactions to find out those same reactions brought us to life. The fact that we use technology to find out that the same elements and molecules that we control everyday were the same used to brig about life on Earth. Had it not been for our curiosity, we wouldn’t have known this! But even our curiosity came from the atoms and proteins once created by the Big Bang. Remember that.

    ( )


  26. The first image, the HL Tau star, reminded me of how life begins. Due to the explosion of a star or a stellar death. Stars are the building block of life as we know it. When a star dies, all the composition and remains of them, the stars explode all around the galaxies and if the matter and compositions find a planet with the needed such as water, oxygen-rich environment, plate tectonics, gravity, and others, life can start forming due to the debris of the stars. Supernovas gives the key ingredients possible for life. Another article that helps explain how supernovas work and give life its essential elements:


    • The universe–at least this one, the can be an almost infinite amount of them–is vast and strange. Take the example of the Pillars of Creation. They were obliterated by a supernova centuries ago. But because this happened so far away from us, we haven’t seen this with our naked eye. I suggest you visit the blog post dedicated to this phenomenon.


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